TAHURA Djuanda

Tahura (Taman Hutan Raya) Djuanda located in the edge f Dago street, the most popular street for tourist in Bandung. You can easly reach this city forest by public transpotation. Starting Point   : Tahura Park main gate Duration            : 3-4 hours (halfday) Start/Finish in the same place

Gunung Manglayang

Located east of Bandung, the mountain has vary hiking tracks. The most popular is from Batukuda camping ground but we prefer Barubeureum for starting point. There are at least three routes here with different ambience to summit the mountain. The most direct route will pass shadow peak first where you will enjoy breathtaking landscape view. […]

Gunung Palasari

Hiking Trip Mt. Palasari (halfday) IDR 250,000/pax minimum 3 person Include  drinking water, lunchbox, coffe, English speaking guide Meeting point : Maribaya or Lembang

Waterfalls Trail in Sukawana

This roller coaster trail is a combination of  curug Layung, curug Tilu and Sukawana tea plantation trail. Pampering with variety terrain and landcape view, this probably the best trail outskirt Bandung. IDR 250,000/pax minimum 2 person Include tiket, snack+coffe/tea, English speaking guide Meeting point : Curug Layung or Dusun Bambu parking area, Parongpong – Lembang

Curug Cibareubeuy

This beautiful loop trail offer rice field landscape for depart and dense jungle for return.  The waterfall itself located three kilometres from parking area so make sure you have a comfort walk shoes. After 1- 15 hours walk, a small village dedicated tor tourists who came for waterfall is available for resting. IDR 250,000/pax min […]

Dago Pakar Hidden Track

The trail is located in TAHURA Djuanda but not many people even locals knew or heard. Be part of few hiker who ever walk this trail. IDR 200,000/pax min 2 person Meeting Point   : @ 9 am in parking area of Batu Garok or Warung Bandrek Duration            : 3 hours Start/Finish […]